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How our Government is seen overseas.

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Joined: 04 Nov 2006

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:27 pm
Post subject: How our Government is seen overseas.Reply with quote

"The ugly issues of race have always bee n simmering in the background, if not the foreground. It's very hard not to see the timing any other way than playing fairly directly the race card," political analyst Norman Abjorensen told Reuters.

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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:38 pm
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Agreed. That article is disgraceful.
Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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sherrife Scorpio

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:51 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

What are your problems with the article Stui?

I think it's pretty spot on, unfortunately.

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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:13 pm
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I don't like the whole dragging up the "race" card. Bouncing from refugees, to the NT, to Hansen...all trying to prove a point somehow.

In my experience, the ones who shout "racist" the loudest, are the racists.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:53 pm
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Did you stop and think Stui that maybe there is actually a pattern there of the coalition using racially loaded issues in election campaigns to appeal to the base instincts of certain groups of voters? FFS are you seriously suggesting the timing of this is coincidental?
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:21 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not blind or stupid Nomadjack, but did you stop to think that maybe it actually is coincidental?

As far as I'm aware, Kevin 07 has endorsed the decision, not argued with it. The silence from the state labour governments has been deafening fom what I've seen.

So who's trying to turn it into a political issue? Conspiracy theorists?

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:19 pm
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Labor has said it would maintain the capping system which is endorsed by the UNHCR. It's not the cap or the reduction in refugees from Africa that is the issue as it is an important part of prioritising the refugee program depending upon which part of the work is in most need at any given time. The issue is the shift in how the cap on accepting refugees from Africa has been justified by the government. Until very recently the shift in focus of the refugee program has been publicly justified by the government, including by the current minister, as being driven by the need to prioritise refugees from our own region, such as from Burma whose needs are more urgent than refugees from areas such as Somalia and Sudan. Suddenly in an election campaign, this justification has been shifted to 'they are not assimilating' very well so we need to slow things down. It's nothing more than populist bullshit designed to appeal the same crowd that voted for Hanson in 1998.

As for the other 'coincidental' race issues you mention that have arisen? Let's suspend disbelief and put aside Howard's anti-Asian immigration agenda in 1989 for a second and look at his track record.

Are you suggesting that the governments approach to the refugee issue in the 2001 federal election wasn't purely politically driven? That it's adoption of more stringent immigration controls, cuts to funding of migrant resources and welfare services, the abolition of ATSIC, and it's reaction to Mabo and Wik weren't driven by Hanson's rise in 1997 and her success at the QLD state election in 1998? That the latest push to improve Aboriginal health and welfare in the NT by sending in the army is not politically driven? (BTW the authors of the report that the government has used to justify intervention have since said what the government has done goes against everything they suggested. And health professionals on the ground in the areas concerned are refusing to cooperate because they know the intervention is counterproductive.)

Conspiracy theory? FFS if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck over and over again, chances are it's a duck. You're not a fool Stui and don't come across as a bigot. Don't try and excuse the inexcusable. I'll cop the Libs position on almost any other issue including IR as being at least driven by a genuinely felt (no matter how misguided in my eyes in some areas) sense of trying to do the right thing. But on race under Howard they have thoroughly disgraced themselves and what the party has traditionally stood for.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:23 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

What specifically brings the shift in how the cap on accepting refugees from Africa was justified by the government to mind? Do you still it? Ask me another question. Is not driven also latest push to improve Aboriginal health and welfare in the NT by sending in the army? What do you look like? Is that your final answer? If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? Are we still talking about Don't try and excuse the inexcusable?
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London Dave Aquarius

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:13 am
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IMMIGRATION Minister Kevin Andrews has inflamed tensions with the African community by releasing a dossier claiming African refugees were involved in gangs, nightclub fights and drinking alcohol in parks at night.

Let's see, gangs = mafia of Italian immigrants of the 50's and 60's....nightclub fights.....that would be vietnamese from the lte 70's early 80's...drinking alcohol in the parks at night......wouldn't be the aboriginals would it.

Sorry, wrong here....gangs....were here before African refugees, and will be here fter, to whoever claimed Noble Park and Dandenong were unsafe b/c of Sudanese, you obviously never ventured there 20 years ago. Same story, different bunch of 'foreigners'! Nightclub fights? Been going on since the year zero. Drinking alcohol in parks at night? Same shit happened 20 years ago, if not since, again, year zero.

The sooner you dickheads stop running round shitting yourselves every time the govt says boo, the better off you'll be.

No of terrorist attacks in Oz = 0. Why? Are the 'security' forces are doing a great job? No. The terrorists couldn't give a shit about some far flung corner of the earth that doesn't rate a gnats dick on a world scale. You'd like to think they do, but they don't. You lot are more panicked than the poms, and they've been dealing with this shit for 30+ years. Grow up you big bunch of fackin babies.

Scare scare scare.....when you re-elect Howard and his bunch (and you will), the next scare will be about a penguin invasion from Antarctica, it's the only continent that hasn't been proved as a source of 'un-Australians'.... thank fack I live here and don't have to put up with this bullshit on a day to day basis. (oh, and my taxes are a heap lower too!, and the 'economy' is doing fine)
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:06 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Nomadjack, you've got some good arguments, subjective though they may be. You've drawn a valid conclusion based on facts. That I don't happen to agree with you, doesn't make either of us right or wrong.

IMO, the difference with the whole Tampa and children overboard theing were that they happened at the time when the opposition were leading an outcry over the governments treatment of refugees. That incident served to de rail some of the outcry and justify (innappropriately as it turned out) the governments position.

This situation appears to be different in that there has been no major swing or outcry either way until now. If it's a populist move, I would think it's a bad one because it's actually devisive and the federal opposition has tacitly condoned it. Therefore no point of difference. It should serve to polarise people around the opinions they already had rather than sway people to one party or the other.

Maybe I overestimate the intelligence of the electorate and under estimate the number of bigots who want to bring back a white australia policy.

As I said earlier, I support the move to pause african immigration. Note, I said Pause, not stop, until more work and effort is put in place to help these people in assimilating. What a lot of them have coped with is beyond most people's comprehension and simply sticking them in a house somewhere and giving them access to food, clothing and education is no where near enough. That only satisfies the basic human needs. Fix the machine, then start bringing them back in.

In relation to gangs, I don't think these guys are any more prone to "gang" related behaviour than others. It's completely understandable that people who've a shared culture, background and experience would choose to associate with each other for support.

And London Dave, to be honest your comments remind me of every expat who went to England in the 70's then sat over there and threw rocks back at Australia for being an uncultured backwater. Germaine Greer syndrome. If you like it that much over there, then please be my guest and stay.

As far as your comments about terrorism, which are completely irrelevent to the thread, there may be a reason why Londoners are so stoic in the face of terrorism compared to Aussies. Having the shit bombed out of you in the WWII blitz then decades of terrorism from the IRA would tend to do that to you.

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:44 am
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That's just a cop out Stui. It's not subjective or a matter of opinion at all. The facts clearly show that the Howard government has repeatedly misled and manipulated the Australian electorate using race based issues to try and gain political advantage. Everyone in politics knows it and many, including a hell of a lot of Liberals are disgusted by it. Howard manufactured a supposed threat to suburban backyards out of Mabo and Wik despite the High Court explicitly finding that freehold title overode native title. It has thumbed it's nose at reconciliation and abolished ATSIC while ignoring and actively covering up rorts that were 100 times worse at AWB. It manufactured a 'refugee invasion' threat, linked the refugees to terrorism and then doctored evidence to try and paint them as the type of people who would deliberately drown their children. And now it is at it again playing dog-whistle politics to the Hanson crowd in an election campaign. If you want further proof you might want to ask Andrews where the policy work and the increase in funding is for support services for refugees from African communitiesto help them assimilate into the Australian community? What? Per capita funding has actually been cut over the past decade? Hmm, how strange. You'd think if they were actually concerned about the issue and not just the political mileage they can make out of it they might actually have done something constructive. If people can't see it is purely motivated by the politics of bigotry they are fools and if they don't call it for what it obviously is they are condoning it. Simple as that.
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:26 pm
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Mate, I don't think it's a cop out and nor do I agree that your facts are totally objective.

You obviously spend a lot more time than I do going thru this sort of stuff so I'm not going to challenge you on the facts, but the conculsions you draw from them are to a degree, IMO, still subjective. An opinion is still only an opinion even if it is a popular one.

You are obviously pretty passionate about ths stuff and good on you. I'm not to the same degree by any stretch and I'm not about to start trying to defend Howard in all the things you list because I don't have enough knowledge to do it properly.

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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London Dave Aquarius

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:03 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

stui magpie wrote:
And London Dave, to be honest your comments remind me of every expat who went to England in the 70's then sat over there and threw rocks back at Australia for being an uncultured backwater. Germaine Greer syndrome. If you like it that much over there, then please be my guest and stay.

Seeing the thread is title "How our govt is seen overseas", I'd figure my opinion arguably is more pertinent than yours, as I am viewing it from 'overseas', but don't let a pointless character bash get in the way of that. Never said anything about uncultured backwater, just pointing out you (collectively) shit yourself every time the govt says boo, and the 'problems' pointed out by Andrews have been going on for years, and will more than likely remain for years. I'll throw rocks at Australia (or anyplace else) when they deserve it, and over this, they're aren't big enough rocks imo.

Then again, your comments remind me of the racist, pig ignorant, wife beating fascist bogans I left at home. Hope you never leave Australia's shores to embarrass yourself and your country. See how easy it is to play stereotypes? Now piss off back to work on the commodore you've got up on bricks out the front yard! Wow, more stereotyping! Gee this is such fun.

stui magpie wrote:
As far as your comments about terrorism, which are completely irrelevent to the thread, there may be a reason why Londoners are so stoic in the face of terrorism compared to Aussies. Having the shit bombed out of you in the WWII blitz then decades of terrorism from the IRA would tend to do that to you.

The point bout terrorism was simply to illustrate again how every time this govt says boo, you lot run around screaming "Don't Panic" (Or is that being alarmed not alert?), but I'd suspect you were too much into your Germaine Greer bash to figure that out.

Bang on Nomad, but I fear you're debating a brick in old Stui. Facts are what he agrees with, a matter of opinion is what you do.
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:24 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Geez, touched a nerve did I London Dave?

I make an observation about you sounding like other expats and you call it a pointless character bash and decend to insulting stereotypes.Nice work. Rolling Eyes

I'd love to know how you come to the conclusion that we collectively shit ourselves every time the government says boo. Is that something you concluded from reading the Australian media, which you also disparage?

Pardon me while I find my mokko's and go and put the new front wheel on the dirtbike.

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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London Dave Aquarius

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:27 pm
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stui magpie wrote:
Geez, touched a nerve did I London Dave?

I make an observation about you sounding like other expats and you call it a pointless character bash and decend to insulting stereotypes.Nice work. Rolling Eyes

No raw nerve, but it shits me when people pull that line, that's all. It's a bit weak imo.

stui magpie wrote:
I'd love to know how you come to the conclusion that we collectively shit ourselves every time the government says boo. Is that something you concluded from reading the Australian media, which you also disparage?

I get home quite a bit, and it appears to me it's the case. I suppose it may be a bit rich to generalise from the letters pages etc of newspapers but I'd reckon it's as reasonable a way as you could get to test the pulse of the nation. Perhaps it was always that way ((i.e. Don't Panic!), I just needed to view from a distance, so to speak, to see it.

I don't disparage the media, but I sure as hell treat it all with a large dose of salt.

stui magpie wrote:
Pardon me while I find my mokko's and go and put the new front wheel on the dirtbike.

Enjoy, Make sure that dirtbike belches smoke and breaks noise pollution laws too. I'm sure you know how to tune it that way. I'm just knotting my hanky on my head and putting on my raincoat to enjoy a day at the seaside. Might even go for a paddle and get my ankles wet.
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