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Stop the forced removal of aboriginal communities

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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:03 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

If her level of education is grade 1 at 14, Why didn't her teachers pick it up, say even 4 years ago?

Re the school thing thread, I rest my case!

What subjects do you teach?

Many reasons I assume, however one reason is that because schools and teachers are required to get paid for performance. I would say that if a primary school was desperate for funds often issues like the one above would not get funded if their performances do not improve. Hence there have been instances that when you get a report from a primary school about certain kids they often leave of some of the issues or their levels. With the cut back of support staff also this kids if they fall in between the numbers required are never given help. There are loads of reasons how our kids just become another number.

I would also like to state (although of topic) the Secondary education is like a leper, the history of state secondary schools is really only recent in terms of basic education. Hence it often falls into the to hard basket. I say this because I to failed high school twice and the system and also myself was stuffed. So years later when I reeducated myself by traveling and working in a mirrored of different jobs I thought I would like to help those who also fell through the cracks 20 years late. However guess what, the SYSTEM had not changed at all. Still the idiots at the top and the pre conceived idea of how to educate teenagers in a classroom, sitting at a table for 6 hours whilst miss know it all stood out the front. Sure there are examples of change in some schools and also teachers who refused to talk down or tell kids what and how to think and respond. Until society decides that once you get to say year 8/9 and spend 2 years out in the community, working with educated people in various fields experimenting learning how to work with others etc etc we will never go any further. they then go on and complete the next 3 years in areas that are suited to their learning style etc. Here is an example of how you can have a different education system, however like always comes down to the $.

I am sick of this excuse and it really only serves the purpose for those in power who enjoy working a system that suits only them. so rather than continue to demonise the working people, why don't they look into the mirror for a change.

I teach media studies, photography, History, geography and of course collingwood fc. Smile

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies

Last edited by malteaser on Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:18 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

ronrat wrote:
Until the OP shows me any evidence of what the Government is doing, that is ours and not Peru, and what the ADF role in this is it it is all bullshit. It seems like another NGO fund raising piece of crap that I regularly see in SE Asia. The Ops last post seems to me that teachers are the blame and not anything the Government can do given it it appears to have been over an 8 or 9 years period and you can hardly blame the current Government for all that. But I stand corrected.

I live in a rented 2 bedroom house in Thailand with my girlfriend and at times all members of her her family. What is the point. I have no car, no investment property, and own little. But I will die happy I hope.

You seem an apologist for ISIS supporters and still have not provided one shred of evidence, not one, that the ADF will be involved in all this.

Fanciful propagandist bullshit that is best left on its shelf and you should be ashamed to call on us as Football club supporters to be part of all this.

Look to the likes of Joffa who DO make a positive difference and not by denigrating people in Australia who are trying to do their best like the ADF and the AFP who have made a difference in the Solomons and East Timor.

I would never be an apologists for ISIS, you are mis interpreting what I mean. they are rotten to the core, however if we as a society do not find ways of really finding out and listening to those who are stuffed you will continue to have groups like these popping up. I am not ashamed at all, it is people like you who think that they can tell us/me not to speak up because it is the opposite of what the propaganda is sent to us through media, religion and Govt. Rather than having a go at me because I support what I believe is a good cause, i hopefully can get people to, not tell them what to think, but what to think about. Don't shoot the message, shoot the messenger. Yesterday there were 15,000 people who marched for refugees, however there was not one mention of this in the Herald Sun. Why? Agenda setting at its finest, by not reporting it is also propaganda and I wold say some of those people also read the Hearld Sun. Finally, Why then, can I ask, in your history, tell me why you think the way you do? What have you experienced or been part of to have your opinion of things? I don't care if you disagree with mine, we are lucky in Australia to be able to speak in a forum like this.

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:21 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

David wrote:
malteaser wrote:
Totally agree, but the problem of welfare is not just an aboriginal problem, however it is the only problem that is discussed with Aboriginal peoples. This is evident in all conversations. I admit my lack of knowledge and how this cycle can be changed we need a rational converstation with all stakeholders, which includes ney-sayers and doomsters. A discussion of a country that could be proud to have a group of people who are unique in their culture, identity, way of life would be good. We all love the great outdoors but on the same hand condemn those who choose a lifestyle that in a sense we wish we had, maybe it is reverse jealousy, so we get a RV destroy the land and then victimize them because omg they don't have a 2 storey house with mod cons and as one person said to me, "a proper job". (I also understand the issues of poverty which is a different discussion) because poverty also means spiritually poor, as opposed to the great $ which creates its on spirituality.

I have traveled and spent many hours with communities in Africa and South America and the one thing that struck me was that although they had absolutely nothing as in material things, they loved their life just as I love mine in a 3 bedroom house with everything. Peoples of Peru are one group that showed me that although poor in terms of what we have, they embraced their indigenous people and celebrated and they felt included rather than excluded. Who are we to judge?

In terms of absolute poverty these things are easily fixed if only we stopped fighting with others and stopped repressing groups of disadvantaged societies because they don't have the same belief system. Another example of we are better than you. Do you really think ISIS started just yesterday? These people are the result of decades of being disenfranchised, at sometime they just went bang and now we are seeing the results.

As soon as welfare is raised we as a society mostly focus towards people as weak and useless when this is not the case at all. People who have been on welfare for decades are a result that we look down on anyone who can't talk like us, reason like us. Teachers often have this problem of thinking that everyone is at the same level and then label those that don't behave or react the way we wanted them to. I teach at a secondary school in Geelong and if there is ever an issue of welfare I see it everyday with kids who have been born into generations of never getting out of a cycle. As an example, I teach a young girl of 14, who is in year 7 and was tested, her level, was grade 1. How did this girl not have the appropriate help? This young girl will most probably be victimized and then thrown out then again be part of the welfare cycle. You can blame govt agencies but we are the ones who think we wast money on social services. Oh by the way she is a white Australian. What disturbs me is the polarization of a group of people who after years of media stereotypes and agenda setting label aboriginals as poor, victims, as opposed to all the positives one can throw at white Aussies, look at us, be like us, when you become like us, they take take take.

Great response, Malteaser, thanks (would be good to see you post here more often!).

I completely agree that the problems in many remote Indigenous communities are not unique to those communities and also exist in White Australia. But the concentration of these problems in some remote Aboriginal communities is on a completely different level; practically third-world, the studies say.

That's not a problem if we're merely talking about living a traditional life. As you say with Peru, people can live perfectly happy and fulfilling lives without modern Western comforts and conveniences, and I think Indigenous people who wish to live traditionally should be supported and encouraged. But substance abuse, violence, sexual assault, malnutrition and unemployment (in the broadest possible sense) are problems, and the studies suggest that Indigenous people in certain remote communities experience these harms at a much higher rate than the rest of the Australian population.

I agree that we need to address these problems without heavy-handedness and paternalism, and that Indigenous people play a key role in the decisionmaking process. In that way, the WA government are just contributing to the cycle of harm. But not doing anything about the conditions in remote Indigenous communities isn't much better, so it's not enough to just oppose Barnett's policy; I think we need to be proposing positive alternatives.

(BTW, ronrat, recognising some of the socioeconomic reasons behind violent groups like ISIS is not apologism. To not do so is intellectually bankrupt.)

Thank you, actually thank you everyone, I really like this and although we can not all agree I also need to have people tell me of other alternative pieces of information and experience, how could I teach, I have rules I have to follow and one of those is not using my agenda on kids, which is irresponsible and dangerous.

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:30 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

watt price tully wrote:
David wrote:
malteaser wrote:
T......... Do you really think ISIS started just yesterday? These people are the result of decades of being disenfranchised, at sometime they just went bang and now we are seeing the results.


Great response, Malteaser, thanks (would be good to see you post here more often!).


(BTW, ronrat, recognising some of the socioeconomic reasons behind violent groups like ISIS is not apologism. To not do so is intellectually bankrupt.)

Conversely David, simple economic & power reductionism like that posted by Malteaser is equally jejune (oh how I love that word Wink Laughing ) as a means of explaining ISIS. It might be a be a necessary condition but is simply quite insufficient & an intellectually lazy means of explaining ISIS.

so why then don't we all get together and meet face to face where we have time to talk about both sides, I don't know all the answers and how to solve all the problems of the world. I can only go on with what I experience and have seen over the years. I myself have sat silent for many years however at some time enough is enough and i would love to meet rather than a snipet in a forum. I did for a short time back in the late 70's and early 80's was a person who basically took on what my father and the powerful told me. My experience since then has made me question why, why the f&*k why? But not anymore I will not allow 3 word Tone set an agenda that does nothing but create anger and frustration on both sides of the coin. Today as I was listening to the radio re the church in Brighton burning down it dawned on me, that the evil priest who did what he did, not only caused problems for his victims but those who love the church, they now feel isolated because there is such outrage. Hence what I am trying to say is that if people like in Palestine continue to be treated like some mutant then all people suffer because of laws made by people who are only after their own self interest. This also corresponds to Ingenious peoples around the world.

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies

Last edited by malteaser on Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:34 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

think positive wrote:
stui magpie wrote:
Not a $£$%^%%$ clue.

1 post too early Wink

Thanks for that comment, can you explain why then you feel like you do? or is that because using some thinking and showing feelings is female (weak) way of seeing the world as oppose to dominance, violence and power a very Patriarchal response, if you don't like it f*&k them. Work well so far over thousands of years of power!!!!

Now back to the news of today, drugs and collingwood. Oh shit here we go.

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:02 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Wokko wrote:
pietillidie wrote:

Or, put another way: When it comes to understanding Homo sapiens, we're bloody Neanderthals!

Sapiens wiped out the Neanderthals. They get a bad wrap but were probably more advanced than we were.

One school of thought it that the Neanderthals basically bred them selves out by mating with Sapians, as they were larger and stronger the sapians weren't really able to resist.

So they basically £$%$ed themselves into extinction. Razz

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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stui magpie Gemini

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

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Location: In flagrante delicto

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:31 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

malteaser wrote:
If her level of education is grade 1 at 14, Why didn't her teachers pick it up, say even 4 years ago?

Aboriginal Kid I went to High school with was barely literate in year 10. This was the early 80's in the bush, funding wasn't an issue but obviously making him repeat wasn't an option either. He just kept getting pushed up a year. His aim, god bless his cotton socks, was to get his Yr 10 certificate.

Only two exams needed back then for Yr 10, English and Math. I have NFI what he did for English but the math test was multiple choice and he went down the answer columns in order ticking A, then B, then C etc.

Hey, he attended the exams, he got the certificate.

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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think positive Libra

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:13 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

malteaser wrote:
think positive wrote:
stui magpie wrote:
Not a $£$%^%%$ clue.

1 post too early Wink

Thanks for that comment, can you explain why then you feel like you do? or is that because using some thinking and showing feelings is female (weak) way of seeing the world as oppose to dominance, violence and power a very Patriarchal response, if you don't like it f*&k them. Work well so far over thousands of years of power!!!!

Now back to the news of today, drugs and collingwood. Oh shit here we go.

Cheers the target is on my back today. It's been shit. Read back and you will see I was referring to PTID very long post, which always manges to let me lose concentration, not because he's particulalry boring, but because I get sick of googling obscure words!

As for the next comment, well I laughed, since I'm female!

And for the last, well yes just one of the elements of today that makes me wish I stayed in bed.


You cant fix stupid, turns out you cant quarantine it either!
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:45 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

stui magpie wrote:
Wokko wrote:
pietillidie wrote:

Or, put another way: When it comes to understanding Homo sapiens, we're bloody Neanderthals!

Sapiens wiped out the Neanderthals. They get a bad wrap but were probably more advanced than we were.

One school of thought it that the Neanderthals basically bred them selves out by mating with Sapians, as they were larger and stronger the sapians weren't really able to resist.

So they basically £$%$ed themselves into extinction. Razz

Pity some politicians don't do the same thing, but going on what occurred on Q & A tonight when Ruby Wax asked Christopher Pyne what would we call our new baby on a new planet that is 30 light years away was just hysterical. Smile Smile

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies
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Stanley Kubrick

Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Location: Torquay

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:51 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

think positive wrote:
malteaser wrote:
think positive wrote:
stui magpie wrote:
Not a $£$%^%%$ clue.

1 post too early Wink

Thanks for that comment, can you explain why then you feel like you do? or is that because using some thinking and showing feelings is female (weak) way of seeing the world as oppose to dominance, violence and power a very Patriarchal response, if you don't like it f*&k them. Work well so far over thousands of years of power!!!!

Now back to the news of today, drugs and collingwood. Oh shit here we go.

Cheers the target is on my back today. It's been shit. Read back and you will see I was referring to PTID very long post, which always manges to let me lose concentration, not because he's particulalry boring, but because I get sick of googling obscure words!

As for the next comment, well I laughed, since I'm female!

And for the last, well yes just one of the elements of today that makes me wish I stayed in bed.


Sorry wasn't assuming you were female or male, just the world we live in. Even as females we often use the same language because of the way we are educated and programmed. I am no "radical" femminist but i have tried to understand how language is used to manipulate information to persuade the dominant point of view.

Yeap and I didn't read the whole lot either with my partner having a mental break down with the news tonight.

I bet you some players wished they stayed in bed whilst they were in NZ.

Stay strong with the pies, at least we will be on the 1st 10 pages of the HS and the age.

May the seeds of hope bloom into the eurphoria of success. Go Pies
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